Why a Team Event? 

    "Leadership wants us to pause the project.” Those are the words no one wants to hear. The bigger the project, the more people work on it, the closer you are to the work, and the longer it has been running, the more difficult it can feel. More often than not, hitting the pause button on a project also hits team morale, leaving team members feeling downtrodden and deflated for a period of time.

    This is a good moment to check-in with each other, re-group, and bring clarity back to what comes next.

    hanza resources was invited to facilitate a team event. Given that individual team members may have different needs for the session, we would like to give you the opportunity to express your preferences - and of course any concerns - in advance, so that we can make most of the joint session.


    It would be great if you could answer the following questions by November 5th 2024. Your participation in this survey is confidential. Your contributions will not be shared in verbatim, just in a summarized and aggregated form. Your feedback will greatly help us in our preparation.

    Thank you!

    From relief to grief, pausing a project can affect people in different ways. What does the project pause mean to you personally (e.g., how do you feel about it; what are the best or toughest aspects for you; etc.)?

    3 things I would personally like for the team event (e.g., topics I would like to discuss; activities I would like to do; questions I would like to ask; etc.):

    3 things I think would help our team re-group (e.g., on a team-level, what would help you re-energize or re-focus for what comes next)?

    Do you have any specific wishes towards Cosmina, Thees and Alex in this phase?

    Are there any fears or concerns for the team event (e.g., what should not happen in this session)?
    Submit my answers

    Thank you for your participation!