Need Assessment  

    Why a Need Assessment?

    When team members repeatedly experience high levels of psychological stress, this can affect them – and the team as a whole - in different ways. For example, it might impact fundamental issues of cooperation, such as the sense of group cohesion. For individuals, it might impact how stress is experienced or narrow perceptions of options for action.

    hanza resources was invited to moderate a team session to support the process of recognizing early warning signs and responding to psychological stress.

    People are different - and that's a good thing 🙂 However, this also means that individual team members may have different needs for the session. We would therefore like to give you the opportunity to express your preferences - and of course your concerns - in advance, so that you can help shape the session.


    It would be great if you could answer the following 4 questions by 15.05.24. Your participation in this survey is confidential. Your feedback will help us in our preparation and will not be discussed verbatim in the session.

    Thank you!

    3 things I would personally like for the session (e.g., topics I would like to discuss; questions I would like to ask; etc.):

    3 things that would be good for us as a team (e.g., what would help us manage or reduce psychological stressors; what would further support psychological safety / fun / cohesion on a team level?):

    Are there any fears or concerns for the session (e.g., what should not happen at this meeting)?

    Should the session be with or without your supervisor? (Katharina would like for the session to serve as a safe space, where you feel comfortable to share things important to you. Sometimes, it can be helpful for supervisors to attend these sessions, so they can gain a better understanding and address factors that contribute to stress. Sometimes, however, it can be helpful to have the session on a peer-level only. What would you prefer?)
    Submit my answers

    Thank you for your participation!